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SOLO (1st performance)

DUET (1st performance)

SOLO (2nd performance)

DUET (2nd performance) 

Group (from 3 dancers)

1st performance

2nd performance 

In the case of a sufficient number of entries,

the organizer reserves the right to close the entries before the deadline specified above.

Unpaid requests will be automatically canceled by the organizers.

Please submit a completed application form and a record of chosen background music in WAV format ONLY

(all other formats are not acceptable) to before ........ 2020.

ATTENTION!    Registration will close on .......... 2020


Exact schedule of the event depends on the participants’ age (from youngest to oldest);

8:30am - 9:30am: Welcome and venue presentation to the candidates: stage and backstage;

10am - 12pm: Performance Baby and  Child;

12pm - 1pm:Break and venue presentation to the candidates: stage and backstage;

1pm - 3pm: Performance Junior, Junior plus and Adult;

3pm - 4pm: Jury consideration;

4pm - 5.30pm: Festival closing and award ceremony.

Exact schedule and dates of the performances will be confirmed by email depending on a final numbers of submitted applications.




According to Astronomical Calendar of Celestial Events, NAVRUZ symbolizes an arrival of spring. As one of the oldest festivals in the world it was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.

A year later the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed

the International Day of NAVRUZ.


This event promotes peace and solidarity between generations and within families coupled with reconciliation and neighbourliness that contributes to cultural diversity and friendship across the globe, so to unite people from different community backgrounds.

«Helvetic NAVRUZ» is the very first international festival-contest of choreographic arts taking place

 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dance competition Golden Bee


Les personnes du domaine de la danse savent combien de travail et d'efforts doivent être fournis

afin d’atteindre le résultat souhaité.

Le travail fournis du chorégraphe et du danseur peut être comparé à celui des abeilles.

Afin d’obtenir 1 kg de miel, les abeilles volent autour de 2 à 4 millions de fleurs et survolent une distance

de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres.

Après avoir recueilli le précieux nectar, les abeilles le transforment entièrement en miel.

Le chorégraphe, tels ces abeilles, rassemble peu à peu tous les éléments de la composition

et de la mise en scène de la danse et obtient ainsi

une œuvre chorégraphique, sa création, son "miel".

Nos participants, comme de vraies petites abeilles, s'envolent de différentes parties de la terre

dans une ruche belle et confortable appelée Genève.

Le concours international de danse "Golden Bee" invite tout le monde à participer

et à recevoir des prix bien mérités.

Votre travail sera apprécié!

This event promotes peace and solidarity between generations and within families coupled with reconciliation and neighbourliness that contributes to cultural diversity and friendship across the globe, so to unite people from different community backgrounds. 

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